| Contact UsNorthwood Presbyterian Church WORSHIP TIMES: 10:30 AM DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR & 9:30 AM DURING THE SUMMER Or anytime on our Website (northwoodpres.org) or Facebook page: NorthwoodPresbyterianChurch
Youth Director email: youth@northwoodpres.org Our programs won't resume until further notice when we hope to fill this position. Please contact us at the email above or call the church with any questions. Our elders approved in December of 2019 an internship for a Homework Club Coordinator/Intern with Whitworth Univ. Please stayed tuned for more information about the position.
email: office@northwoodpres.org
Michael joined our staff at the end of 2019 as our Custodian. He is a stay-at-home Dad with his children, and we are very glad to have his past experience in lab and anesthesia cleaning in the medical field. He's a graduate of Riverside High School in Chattaroy, and he attended Spokane Community College. He and his wife Angela are raising their family here in north Spokane. | |