
Contact Us

Northwood Presbyterian Church
email:  office@northwoodpres.org
6721 N. Monroe St.  Spokane, WA  99208
(509) 328-2012


Or anytime on our Website (northwoodpres.org) or Facebook page: NorthwoodPresbyterianChurch

revSue.jpegRev. Sue Keim, Pastor       
email: pastor@northwoodpres.org
Pastor Sue Keim came to Northwood in the fall of 2009.  She has pastored in the Presbyterian denomination since 1998. Previous to Northwood, she served at churches in Port Angeles, WA, and Mesa, AZ.  Before seminary, she was on Young Life staff in western Washington for 10 years.  She received her M-Div. from San Francisco Theological Seminary, a Presbyterian seminary in San Anselmo, CA.  She also has a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of Oregon.

choirdirectorBob.jpegBob Brown,
Choir Director
Bob Brown has served as our Choir Director since the fall of 2011.  Before that, he also was the director here 1996-2003.  He taught music for 30 years and retired from Salk Middle School in 2005.  He graduated from Eastern Washington University and received a Master of Music Education from the University of Oregon.  He also leads the Handbell Choir.



 pianistCathy.jpegCathy Brown,
Cathy Brown has been our Organist/Pianist since the fall of 1998.  She holds Bachelor’s degrees in piano performance and music education from Eastern Washington University.  She received a Master’s of Music degree from the University of Oregon in 1982.  Cathy also plays and teaches cello. 



Youth Director   email: youth@northwoodpres.org

Our programs won't resume until further notice when we hope to fill this position.  Please contact us at the email above or call the church with any questions.  Our elders approved in December of 2019 an internship for a Homework Club Coordinator/Intern with Whitworth Univ.  Please stayed tuned for more information about the position.


secretaryHolly.jpegHolly Christoff, Office Administrator & Wedding Coordinator

email: office@northwoodpres.org
Holly joined our staff at the beginning of 2020. Originally from Long Island, N.Y., Holly has lots of administrative experience working in the offices at Messiah Lutheran Church and Waste Management of Spokane. She most recently was a caregiver for her mother and brother.  She is a member of Prince of Peace Lutheran, and she and her husband Frank have two young adult children.  


Donna Harvey Donna Harvey, Treasurer

Donna Harvey is our new Church Treasurer. She took over this volunteer position on July 1. She retired in 2015 as a Cash Accounting Clerk II with the City of Spokane's offices. She's also a graduate of North Central High School and attended community college in Lewiston, ID and Eastern Washington Univ. in Cheney. She is a long-time member of Northwood, and she just served 6 years as a church Deacon.


groundskeeperMichael.jpegMichael Stitt, Custodian

Michael joined our staff at the end of 2019 as our Custodian. He is a stay-at-home Dad with his children, and we are very glad to have his past experience in lab and anesthesia cleaning in the medical field.  He's a graduate of Riverside High School in Chattaroy, and he attended Spokane Community College.  He and his wife Angela are raising their family here in north Spokane.



6721 N. Monroe St
Spokane, WA 99208
email: office@northwoodpres.org

Office hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 9-2

Pastor:  Rev. Susan (Sue) Keim

Worship Time Sunday Service:   10:30 AM Worship in the Sanctuary

We are having in-person worship!  Face masks are now optional throughout our building.  We do have self-serve bulletins/programs, offering plates, communion and touch-free hand sanitizer. 

Parents are welcome to bring children anytime if they'd like to attend worship with them and bring them up for the weekly children's message called 'Time for the Young at Heart'!

Child Care is available each Sunday.

We have self-serve Coffee Time after worship each Sunday at tables in the Fellowship Hall.

We have self-serve Communion on the first Sunday of each month!

Please see our Choir, Special Music & worship videos on Facebook each Sunday! Or visit us anytime on our Facebook page:  Northwood Presbyterian Church 

Vocal & Bell Choirs rehearsals are underway each Wednesday:

-6:00 pm HAND BELL CHOIR in the Bell Loft

-7:00 pm VOCAL CHOIR in the Sanctuary

FUN FRIDAY POTLUCK EVENT: We meet on February 21, 6 PM, with program: "Sowing in the Winter" by Rebecca "Becky" Jensen studying for her Master Gardner certificate

Adult Small Group Bible Study meets on Mondays at 1:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall - please see new Christian Ed. elder Rod Christenson for more info.

Our prayers are with you and your family during this 4-yr. pandemic: 

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble."     (Ps 46:1)



-CHILDREN'S & YOUTH CHURCH after the Children's Message each Sunday during the school year.  

-HOMEWORK CLUB:  Your elementary-age child is invited to join us for free homework help during the school year, Mondays & Wednesdays, 3-4:30 PM, Fellowship Hall (children are walked down from Linwood School)

 -YOUTH GROUP (grades 6-12):  Sundays during the school year, 1:30-3 PM, Youth Loft, for more info:  youth@northwoodpres.org