

What We Believe

Presbyterians believe in:

GOD as the Creator of the universe.
JESUS CHRIST as the incarnation
of God on earth.
The HOLY SPIRIT as the presence of God in the world and in the believer.
The CHURCH as a universal community of Christ’s followers.
FORGIVENESS OF SIN as made possible by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
LIFE EVERLASTING is a gift made possible through Jesus as the Christ.
The BIBLE as the inspired Word of God, and the authoritative source for faith and practice.


The denominational name – Presbyterian – comes from the Greek word presbyterios which means “elder.” The name refers to our form of government and signifies that a group of elders are responsible for church government.  Northwood is one of hundreds of churches in the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Presbyterians also are confessional, in that a Book of Confessions is part of our constitution. The latest confession is a Brief Statement of Faith (1991).

About Us


Mission Statement

In response to Jesus Christ, we are a community of God’s people who, through the Holy Spirit, are committed to worship and prayer, discipleship and ministry, mission and outreach to others with the good news of Jesus Christ.



Northwood Presbyterian Church is a welcoming and caring congregation on Monroe Street in north Spokane. We meet together for worship on Sundays and for a number of activities for all ages throughout the week. Come and join us!  Worship begins at 10:30 AM during the school year and 9:30 AM during the summer.

JOIN US ANY SUNDAY - 10:30 AM Worship now underway!

Worship now includes Vocal and Hand Bell choirs!  Please let Choir Director Bob Brown know if you'd like to participate.  Rehearsals are on Wednesdays (6 PM hand bells and 7 PM vocal choir). 

Our 10:30 AM school year worship service still has some Covid-19 Protocols:  masks are now optional, and please use self-serve bulletins, offering plates and touch-free sanitizer.  

We have Coffee Time (self-serve) at tables in the Fellowship Hall after worship each Sunday!

Please see us ANYTIME on Facebook:  Northwood Presbyterian Church page.  Each Sunday's Choirs or special music are on there (we email video links to our congregation).

Northwood’s worship style is “blended,” in that we have a good mix of contemporary and traditional music in our worship service.  Our worship service begins each week with praise songs, and we have worship screens for our contemporary praise songs and PowerPoint sermon notes.  We also have a 12-member Choir that sings each week and a Handbell Choir that performs quarterly.   


Northwood began as a new church start-up in 1958.  We constructed the first church building, but, just 4 years later, we needed a larger sanctuary.  Our sanctuary is noteworthy on the outside, but inside, beautiful wood trimmings and a cross rising out of river rock definitely draw worshippers closer to God. 

Over the years, Northwood has been known as a community-minded church that reaches out in the name of Jesus Christ in a variety of ways.  During a normal year, we do that with a coffee hour with goodies each week after worship, a strong music program, a community garden, a little community library, Youth Group and elementary-age tutoring "Homework Club" for neighborhood families.  We also have our summer VBX Woodshop, and summer camp for our youth at Camp Spalding.

As a church in the Presbyterian Church (USA), we call ourselves “Reformed” in our particular flavor of Christianity.  With this heritage, we strive to be gracious and relevant in the way we try to meet the spiritual needs of our congregation as well as the neighborhood and the world around us. (See What Presbyterians Believe to the left).  


6721 N. Monroe St
Spokane, WA 99208

Office hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 9-2

Pastor:  Rev. Susan (Sue) Keim

Worship Time Sunday Service:   10:30 AM Worship in the Sanctuary

We are having in-person worship!  Face masks are now optional throughout our building.  We do have self-serve bulletins/programs, offering plates, communion and touch-free hand sanitizer. 

Parents are welcome to bring children anytime if they'd like to attend worship with them and bring them up for the weekly children's message called 'Time for the Young at Heart'!

Child Care is available each Sunday.

We have self-serve Coffee Time after worship each Sunday at tables in the Fellowship Hall.

We have self-serve Communion on the first Sunday of each month!

Please see our Choir, Special Music & worship videos on Facebook each Sunday! Or visit us anytime on our Facebook page:  Northwood Presbyterian Church 

Vocal & Bell Choirs rehearsals are underway each Wednesday:

-6:00 pm HAND BELL CHOIR in the Bell Loft

-7:00 pm VOCAL CHOIR in the Sanctuary

FUN FRIDAY POTLUCK EVENT: We meet on October 25, 6 PM Program: Bingo, bring a White Elephant gift wrapped, Harvest or Hall. food & optional costume party

Adult Small Group Bible Study meets on Mondays at 1:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall - please see new Christian Ed. elder Rod Christenson for more info & a startup date

P.W./Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery Gathering: Saturday, October 19, 11 am - 1 pm, $10 lunch, on our campus!

Our prayers are with you and your family during this 4-yr. pandemic: 

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble."     (Ps 46:1)



-CHILDREN'S & YOUTH CHURCH after the Children's Message each Sunday during the school year.  

-HOMEWORK CLUB:  Your elementary-age child is invited to join us for free homework help during the school year, Mondays & Wednesdays, 3-4:30 PM, Fellowship Hall (children are walked down from Linwood School)

 -YOUTH GROUP (grades 6-12):  Sundays during the school year, 1:30-3 PM, Youth Loft, for more info: