Connect & Grow

"A community of God’s people who, through the Holy Spirit, are committed to… Discipleship & Ministry."


Spiritual and educational growth is something we at Northwood take seriously and enjoy immensely. We connect and grow with a great mix of Bible studies, Sunday and mid-week adult classes, small groups and fun events for the entire family.


Fun Friday Potlucks – Meets the third Friday, February 21, 6 PM, Fellowship Hall, program: "Sowing in the Winter" - come hear from Master Gardner candidate Rebecca Jensen speak about how to prepare produce during the winter (please sign up on the Fellowship bulletin board).

Do you like to share a meal around the table?  Once a month, on the third Friday of the month, we have a free self-serve potluck for all ages in our fellowship hall.  Watch here or the calendar for the next theme – usually something seasonal and creative for the entire family.  Sign-ups are taken on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall, but there's always plenty of food!

Adult Small Group Bible Studies:

Adult Small Group Bible Study on Mondays at 1:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall: They have resumed their PW/Horizon study called, “Celebrating Sabbath, Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight,” by Carol Bechtel. Men and women are both welcome, and please contact Christian Ed. Elder Rod Christenson for more information.

Choir & Hand Bells – see the Music page

Rehearsals are at 7:00 P.M. Wednesdays in the Sanctuary for Vocal Choir and 6:00 P.M. Wednesdays in the Bell Loft for Hand Bell Rehearsals during the school year. No auditions needed; just come ready to sing, play and praise the Lord! 

Birth to age 3 – Church Nursery

Our Church Nursery is staffed by loving church volunteers each Sunday morning during worship.  The nursery is located on the left down the Christian Ed. hall.  Please sign in your child and we’ll get your cell phone number, or come and get you if we need you during worship.

Age 4 to Grade 12 –
Each Sunday we have a special children's message: 'Time for the Young at Heart.'  


We love children! Families with children are welcome to attend worship and then, after the 'Time for the Young at Heart' children’s message with the Pastor or a volunteer, we have quilted children's activity bags with activities for your youngster. Our Children's and Youth Church is on a Covid-19 break until further notice.

Grades 1-6 – Homework Club
Mondays & Wednesdays, 3-4:30 PM during the school year (on a break until further notice - sorry!)

Grades 6-12 – Youth GroupUpdate:  we have suspended this because of the continuing Covid-19 outbreak. For more info:


EACH SUMMER:  Most of our children and youth go to Camp Spalding! Please see the camp's website: Please contact the church office or the Christian Ed. elder for scholarships.


For more information about any of these groups, contact the church office, (509) 328-2012 or  


6721 N. Monroe St
Spokane, WA 99208

Office hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 9-2

Pastor:  Rev. Susan (Sue) Keim

Worship Time Sunday Service:   10:30 AM Worship in the Sanctuary

We are having in-person worship!  Face masks are now optional throughout our building.  We do have self-serve bulletins/programs, offering plates, communion and touch-free hand sanitizer. 

Parents are welcome to bring children anytime if they'd like to attend worship with them and bring them up for the weekly children's message called 'Time for the Young at Heart'!

Child Care is available each Sunday.

We have self-serve Coffee Time after worship each Sunday at tables in the Fellowship Hall.

We have self-serve Communion on the first Sunday of each month!

Please see our Choir, Special Music & worship videos on Facebook each Sunday! Or visit us anytime on our Facebook page:  Northwood Presbyterian Church 

Vocal & Bell Choirs rehearsals are underway each Wednesday:

-6:00 pm HAND BELL CHOIR in the Bell Loft

-7:00 pm VOCAL CHOIR in the Sanctuary

FUN FRIDAY POTLUCK EVENT: We meet on February 21, 6 PM, with program: "Sowing in the Winter" by Rebecca "Becky" Jensen studying for her Master Gardner certificate

Adult Small Group Bible Study meets on Mondays at 1:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall - please see new Christian Ed. elder Rod Christenson for more info.

Our prayers are with you and your family during this 4-yr. pandemic: 

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble."     (Ps 46:1)



-CHILDREN'S & YOUTH CHURCH after the Children's Message each Sunday during the school year.  

-HOMEWORK CLUB:  Your elementary-age child is invited to join us for free homework help during the school year, Mondays & Wednesdays, 3-4:30 PM, Fellowship Hall (children are walked down from Linwood School)

 -YOUTH GROUP (grades 6-12):  Sundays during the school year, 1:30-3 PM, Youth Loft, for more info: